My daughter got a cupcake machine for christmas, and i decided that since today was valentine's day, i would break it out and make some mini treats for my little ones. Of course i had to make two batters, as George is a chocoholic, and Miss Tina is the vanilla here goes: I used the same recipe for both, just added cocoa (3tsp) for the boy's. Basic recipe: 4 tsp each of flour, sugar and cocoa(if needed), add a pinch of salt, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/2 cup of milk. It is really that easy! Now i made little teeny, tiny ones, and it made 14, but i would say it would probably make around 6 normal sized cupcakes. I used the cupcake maker and it took about 6 minutes for each batch, but i would say if you are cooking normal cupcakes, i would go

with 12-14 minutes at 180. From this basic recipe
you can add choc chips, dried fruit, dollops of jam etc to change the flavour- it is really a wonderfully versatile recipe.
I finished them off today with a simple icing,
just icing sugar and water (i added cocoa for
the boy's icing, and pink icing to the girls).
....aren't they sweet?
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