A friend challenged me to try my hand at coconut macaroons but i didn;t have any dessicated coconut to hand, so i dutifully went and bought some..at the same time another post popped up on my facebook for coconut and carrot bars, and i thought to myself..ooh, i have two carrots in the fridge, lets have a go at that :)
This led to a baking spree, and it was only after i had used my very last drop of golden syrup that i realised i hadn't made my coconut macaroons :(
So here you go- three ways to use up the dessicated coconut sitting at the back of your cupboard :)
First up the coconut and carrot bars! I used the recipe from cooking for busy mums (find it
here )and they were lovely although i couldn't quite make up my mind wether they were supposed to be savory or sweet...they are rather moreish though!
Next up, chocolate zucchini muffins, i followed the recipe posted here by vegie smugglers

and finished them off with a chocolate icing-half a cup of
semi sweet chocolate chips(dairy free of course), quarter of a cup coconut milk and a cup of icing sugar..check out these cuties...
And last but not least, little cups of sunshine...Hawaian coconut cupcakes! Again from vegie smugglers, follow the link here
here these i finished off with a rather more grown up icing...I used the pineapple juice and icing sugar as suggested but i added 2 tablespoons of bacardi :D These are really delicious, even without the icing
So there you are, three delicious dairy free treats, all using that lovely dessicated coconut :) Enjoy!!!