Next, you have to be vigilant everywhere you go..when we traveled to Russia, i was surprised to find that most of the bread available in supermarkets had milk in it (here in Cyprus our bread is not made with milk- thank goodness!)
And lastly, when you buy cookbooks and look for recipes online, you usually find really complicated recipes, with 5 ingredients that you are supposed to use in place of the one that you can't (this is especially true if you are trying to replace egg!).
I have found that if you keep it simple, you can usually do the things that you want to do ...simply!
Case in point- pancakes! When George was first diagnosed he was allergic to lots of things- including milk,wheat,eggs,tomatoes,celery, apple and a few others that i can't remember off the top of my head. I really had my work cut out, trying to make pancakes without milk, eggs and wheat! If you are determined though, you can do anything, and i soon figured out that egg, in this case, adds a little richness and protein to the batter- bit that if you leave it out, it really doesn't make too great a difference.
For the milk, you can substitute your favorite non dairy milk, i favor soya, but it will work with just about any liquid (including water). Now wheat- i have to say i LIKE wheat! I found lots of other flours, and i used them when i had to, but i was VERY relieved when he was able to eat wheat again!
So, the simple answer to pancakes? 1 cup all purpose (or plain) flour, 3/4 cup soya milk, (you can add an egg if tolerated to bump up the protein). 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Mix until you batter is thick and smooth. Heat a saucepan, and put in a teaspoon of oil. When the oil is hot, pour the oil out of the pan, and pour in some batter- fry on each side until golden and put on a plate. Continue until you have no batter left. I make pancakes that are around 4 inches wide, and i made around 13 of them today with this recipe.
Enjoy , people!
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